About the college

St Xavier's College Nuwara Eliya

St Xavier’s College, Nuwara Eliya
Est 1859

The founder of modern Nuwara Eliya (1819) the late Sir Samual Baker who upon his re-arrival in Nuwara Eliya around the year 1850 had written ‘’ Why should not the highlands of Ceylon, with an Italian climate, be rescued from this state of barrenness?. Why should not schools be established, a comfortable hotel erected a church built… ”

The establishment of St Xavier’s College by 1859 fulfilled the dream of the prudent Sir Samual Baker. Fr.Orazio Bettacchini who came to Kandy in 1843 September, was the first to mention about the existence of the Nuwara Eliya parish established prior to the year 1844 and the parish school in his report in 1859.

In 2022 St Xavier’s College, the oldest functioning school in the Nuwara Eliya District reaches its 163rd year of its establishment, and thereby passes another landmark in her glorious history. In the days of yore this institution catered in no small way to the academic and spiritual needs of all denominations irrespective of differences.

It is an undisputed truth that all people of standing institutions, establishments or anything recognizable have had their origins in very humble beginnings. It is generally known that all great men and successful institutions have begun in a humble simple way, and our Alma-Mater St Xavier’s College in Nuwara Eliya originated from a Tin shed with the sacrificial efforts of our Reverend Fathers, Sisters; Brothers of the De La Salle confraternity together with the dedicated service rendered by lay teachers. This small tin shed grew from strength to strength and today as in the past it is a leading educational Catholic Institution in the District.

Some great men rose up to lofty heights by standing under wayside lamps. Institutions of great learning and wisdom began by the sweat and blood of a few enthusiastic persevering individuals. Flourishing establishments of today have started from wayside boutiques, or as wheel cart sellers or from some such simple situation. This axiom proves that there is no gain without pain. In a like manner St Xavier’s College Nuwara Eliya then a missionary school had its humble beginnings in the 1850’s.Then very few were interested in learning and the curriculum was in the mother tongue Rev.Fr. John Peter Perreard (born in 1826) and Rev. Fr. Adrian Fr. Adrian Bertrand Duffo (born in 1827), the missionary in charge of the Nuwara Eliya parish took the initiative to teach English to a selected handful of boys for the welfare of Parish activities .Thus began the then known place as Tin Bungalow behind the present SXC. As months grew to years this news spread far and wide in the town and very many flocked to join the English classes. As a consequence this Tin Bungalow could hardly meet the demand and the authorities with great pain had to seek for additional accommodation and personnel for selfless service. Temporary structures did not satisfy the weather conditions prevailing in Nuwara Eliya and a permanent building known as the Siriwardene Block came up in the very early part of the 19th century.